Isla Mujeres is a small city that is located on the island of the same name, located in the Caribbean Sea, very close to the Yucatán Peninsula, southeast of Mexico. The island constitutes part of one of the eleven municipalities of the State of Quintana Roo, the municipality of Isla Mujeres (which includes part of the mainland) and is located thirteen kilometers from the city of Cancun, the main tourist pole in the region.
Create artificial nests
Hawksbill and Green Turtles
50+ People Partipated in such projects
The Marine Turtle Foundation coordinates marine animal stranding response in the region as well as creating nests for new turtle eggs. In order to respond to the calls for both dead and live animals throughout the region MTF uses a call list of trained volunteers to assist. Other volunteers are able to create nests and track turtles in different turtle holding tanks.